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appstream://org.kde.kalendar" can not be opened

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James Byrnes
Registered Member
Hello everyone,

I'm currently trying on a Debian 11 machine - fairly newly installed "bullseye-backports" -
by means of
Code: Select all
plasma-discover --application appstream://org.kde.kalendar

install KDE calendar. It wasn't a problem on my laptop.
When I go through the reports I come across this:
Code: Select all
invalid kns backend! "/usr/share/knsrcfiles/ksysguard.knsrc" because: "Config
groups not found! Check your KNS3 installation."
invalid kns backend! "/usr/share/knsrcfiles/servicemenu.knsrc" because: "Config
groups not found! Check your KNS3 installation.”

Is this a general problem with Ksysguard or is it simply that the calendar cannot be found on the servers? Because plamsa-discover generally works.

Do you have a solution for this problem?

Best regards
James Byrnes
James Byrnes
Registered Member
My system situation
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 11
KDE Plasma Version: 5.20.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.78.0
Quote from readme file for KDE calendar:
**Kalendar requires KFrameworks 5.96 and version 22.08 of the KDE PIM-related dependencies (e.g. Akonadi, kdepim-runtime) to be installed.** This package version is fairly recent and may not yet be available in your distribution of choice, meaning Kalendar might not work.

The conclusion is that the condition is apparently only approximately met with Debian Testing. Nobody seems to know that in the forum.
But why is it - the developers - at least not providing KDE calendar for KDE Plasma Version: 5.20.5 and KDE Frameworks Version: 5.78.0 via the backports. Why do users have to use testing versions of all things in order to use Kalendar?


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