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Where's the developers forum and I have a few queries etc...

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Where do you post developer questions?
I've been using kdenlive a bit but notice it has a number of what I would call dog-food issues, for instance I used markers but there not so well 'integrated'... eg I'd like to see a list of them that I can click on to navigate through, categories are limiting (for some reason there's only a few of them), although you can split video automatically and create markers (never used this feature), if I'm playing a clip and create a marker it will be after the last transition so it would be nice to have the last transmission found automatically, cutting a clip at a marker leaves the marker on the previous frame/clip not the bit of clip that has the frame the marker marks (off by one error) etc....

There's loads of other possibly little dog food things like this that I'm willing to have a crack at fixing.
The questions or question I have is regarding some recient work that's being merged into kdenlive as a result of a funding project.
I notice that this includes some spline type keyframe stuff or something like that.
Universal keyframming for effects would be nice, and indeed keyframing all parameters where possible even variableinzing them, the first steps towards being able to write macros or script featuers in kdelive.

So, my question is what is the work that's been done on keyframing and how well integrated is it?


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