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Please help us redesign the new render dialog/workflow

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The points below are copied from suggestions I made out of context in the thread 'output very large for avi to avi edit'. 

I agree with griphiam that both containers and contents should be visible in the GUI. Indeed Kdenlive could use two lists for output selection: one for the containers showing AVI, MPEG, OGG and so on and the other showing the formats/codecs available for each container. This would be very instructive for beginners like myself.

I think the most natural output format when editing clips is the implicit 'what goes in comes out', i.e. the input and output formats as well as the input and output containers should be the same. That is the default behaviour of  most computer editors, e.g. Word, Notepad, Paint and so on.

Finally, change the wording 'Render' to 'Output' for the round button. 'Render' may not be understood.



I think the most natural output format when editing clips is the implicit 'what goes in comes out', i.e. the input and output formats as well as the input and output containers should be the same. That is the default behaviour of  most computer editors, e.g. Word, Notepad, Paint and so on.

kdenlive can mix a lot of different (video/image/audio) formats, so this is probably not to easy to accomplish

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mmm i have made nwc that is a interface for ffmpeg ffmpeg2theora and mencoder and other stuff.... made in kommander

i think in your case you should see to Vlc gui . that has a very simple interface for encoding Image
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madsdyd wrote:Hi resander

I think you raise a number of valid points and use case scenarios.

The number 1 point is surely a use case we should accomodate. See also this issue:

Your number 2 point is not related to this topic. It would be great if you would create a new topic/idea/mantis issue for this, which I would consider a different "editing" mode (autoremove space on clip deletion?) Perhaps it is also a "multi drag-drop onto timeline" issue?

Also, please note, that Kdenlive SVN now have a nearly working spacer tool, which makes it a lot easier to remove space in controlled way. Perhaps we need a "trim space" tool too, that removes all space between clips?

Most of these are related to a use case that could be called something like "Working with many clips in a project", not?

The reason I ask you to create these topics/mantis issues is that you will then be involved in further discussion.

Oh, and about the render issue; I have just added a logging facility (svn rev. 2810) to kdenlive_render, that should allow us to getting closer to figure out why render fails for some people. It can be very hard to figure it out, we would be very glad if you could help us. (We need someone that has the error to figure out why it goes wrong).

I hang out a lot on IRC (#kdenlive and would be very happy to try and pinpoint this issue.



Hi, I know this is a super old post but the aspect regarding removing space between clips is still very valid here in mid 2017. :-)

Mega thumbs up to this one: "a different "editing" mode (autoremove space on clip deletion?)"

And also: "Perhaps we need a "trim space" tool too, that removes all space between clips? "

Any news on these? ;-) Thanks!

My process is to use the mouse as little as possible:

1) Select clip with "+" keyboard shortcut.
2) "shift + r" to cut.
3) Select the clip I want to delete "+".
4) "del" to delete.
5) Custom shortcut to remove the space "ctrl + shift + r"


/Plantsugar Ⓥegan youtube.

Vegan Consultancy Services , Linux backend servers, R-project, Logistics, Data Conversion, Drupal Websites and Upgrade to Drupal 9, Excel/VBA.
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There is a middle ground between H.264 for Web and Lossless that I don't see covered in previous comments. The intra-frame codecs that are used for editing and interchange. They are not lossless, so file sizes are relatively manageable even for 4K, but the frames are independent (fast access) and chroma subsampling can go up to 4:4:4, the generation loss in them is pretty low. kdenlive already supports DNxHR group of intra-frame codecs (in theory at least, I wasn't able to configure it to export in that format). Having them in the presets would be beneficial for people with more involved workflows.


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