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Editing and preview

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Editing and preview

Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:03 pm

I was thinking on some things making life easier:

1) enable a (almost) full screen view for the clip / project monitor (something equal to the full screen feature of all video players)

2) when moving the actual point on the timeline (the yellow arrow) with the left / right arrow the clip / project monitor is actualised with the new frame image. It would be good to play also the audio track that would be played between those two frames - for easier positioning of the audio track

3)  I did not found a shortcut for actions like add a guide / marker

sorry if it is still implemented and i did not found the way to activate it

Registered Member

Re: Editing and preview

Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:33 pm

"3)  I did not found a shortcut for actions like add a guide / marker"


' just have to configure it in the sortcuts configure menu, personnally i gave G for guide and Ctl+G to modify the guide, as M for markers and Ctl+M to modify it, it makes it really easy to handle!!!!


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