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Transparent Monitor During Playback - Uninstall Cairo-Dock and Dependencies

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Hi, this is in regards to this common issue:

I have found that installing and using cairo dock will reproduce this issue and that removing cairo-dock and dependincies fixed it for me

cairo-dock cairo-dock-core{pu} cairo-dock-data{pu}
cairo-dock-plug-ins{pu} cairo-dock-plug-ins-data{pu}
cairo-dock-plug-ins-integration{pu} libcroco3{pu} libetpan13{pu}
libgail18{pu} libgnome-menu2{pu} libgtkglext1{pu} libido-0.1-0{pu}
librsvg2-2{pu} libsoup2.4-1{pu} libwebkit-1.0-2{pu}
libwebkit-1.0-common{pu} libxklavier16{pu}

after installing, nothing happened. but after starting the application, the problem occurs. After killing cairo dock, the
problem persists even after restart

I thought this might help some people who don't want to disable their effects

(I heard that disabling compiz was one solution. In my case disabling kwin effects did nothing, i had to remove the above packages)

also maybe kdenlive devs hopefully can find which package is the problem and maybe find a way around it so people can use both.


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