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Loading complex projects is... inaccurate.

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I am building a video that is designed to show five title clips (text only) 150 times each during the hour length of the video, for 2 frames per display, at random intervals. When I build the video, it takes a while to place these manually, and by the time I have finished, some of the title clips need to be reloaded to have them all displaying the text.

I managed to render a test build last night, but there is an error in the audio... I am not sure what caused it, so I re-loaded the project and found some interesting anomalies.

1. The title clips - every last one - was black. They should show yellow text.
2. When I tried to open one in Title Editor and close the editor - making no actual changes. (which was the first solution I discovered that fixed the problem of title text being black instead of yellow), I got some of the 150 instances updated, but then it began giving me errors saying the title could not be updated. I saved the project, closed it and reopened it.
3. Now I see that the composite for each instance is not aligned properly to the title clip...
4. The first title clip now has 158 instances...
5. and the second title clip now has 142 instances.

Basically, I am going to have to rebuild the entire thing from scratch, because I cannot delete the instances of title clips or compositing all as a group (other bugs). And I haven't even had a chance to look at what went wrong with the audio yet.

Screen shot attached shows error in count of what is placed (all should be 150) and error in alignment of clips and their composites.
Registered Member
Does not sound funny. Could you please open a bug report for your problem, so it's easier to keep track of it.


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