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Text overlays on still images

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Text overlays on still images

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:53 pm

Hi all!

I've been composing a combination of videos and still images with kdenlive, the 0.6-svn version that's in Ubuntu 8.04. It has been a bit unstable, but I've managed to get where I wanted, except for one thing:

I haven't managed to set my titles reliably. I.e., I can't figure out how to do text overlays on my stills. I've tried to make a track with a text clip, and set that to have transparent background. Then, I have an image in a different track, and what I was hoping for is that the text background would be transparent, so that the picture would show too.

Actually, I have seen it happen, but it doesn't happen now, so clearly, I haven't grokked how it should be done. Could someone please clear up the magic and help me figure out how this is really working?


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