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Mac OS X 10.5 computer (PPC) available for development

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Dear friends,

As you know, I maintain some Mac OS X packages at Mac Ports (kdenlive, sox, etc ...) and I usually use a remote Mac over SSH for testing. Recently, I lost the access to the remove Mac. Also I need graphical access to the machine using VNC. And a machine that we can share on Internet for development.

I bought a Mac OS X 10.5 cheap machine. It is a G4 PPC with dual processor and 1Gb memory. The Mac is available constantly for development purpose. The Mac is running MacPorts from SVN.

The PPC platform is interesting because it can help fix issues that are not visible on x86 platform. Most Kdenlive developers do not run Mac OS X. Usually, when you discover GNU/Linux, you never get back to closed software. But a lot of potential users are on Mac OS X. So we need a platform for testing code and maintaining packages.

The Mac is configured to go to sleep after three hours of work. You can wake it remotely, connect, disconnect, then it goes back to sleep. The Mac is hosted on my DSL line in my caner, so it doesn't cost money.

Presently, there are the following issues:
* FreiOr-plugins does not compile and breaks in the first lines of compilation.
* MLT compiles well, but segfaults after a few seconds during playback.
* Kdenlive does not display the film inline.

So ... if you volunteer, a free access is available to Kdenlive hackers.
You only have to reply this thread to ask access and I will send you the detailed information :
* How to wake-up the computer.
* how to connect using SSH (I will need your key).

I will not open access to unknown people.

Registered Member
I bought the Mac for 150€ (invoice). If you can participate, please send me some money by Paypal at this address : You can also use this form:

I will publish the amount received. Not more than the total of 150€. Then subscription will stop. I am giving 20€ on my money to start the donation. So a total amount of 130 € would be great.

If you don't participate, don't worry. Free software is not based on money, so you don't have to pay. If you give time developing, making packages or translating for the Kdenlive project, please don't give your money. Giving your time to Kdenlive is far enough.

Please note that this Mac OS X project is my idea and I did not ask other developers at Kdenlive.
Just consider this Mac is the property of donators, not Kdenlive project.

If you have any question about this project, please ask.

* 6 July 2009 : 20€ (Jean-Michel Pouré)Image
Registered Member
Someone please unsticky this. The last couple times I tried to access this box, it was unavailable, and JMP is not as active.


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