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Complet Newbie Requests Advice

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Complet Newbie Requests Advice

Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:24 am

:?: I have been looking for some time to replace my aging Windows XP system with a KDE Linux one. I already use several programs that also run on Linux, but have been seeking a replacement for MovieMaker, which I use probably more than any other program as I make movies of my special days out, family visits, and holidays. In addition, I make these movies for other people such as the IWA, SUCS, Rowing Club, St Pauls Church, and UCC amongst others. As these organizations, together with my family, will be using a Windows System, I save the movies in wmv format so that they will play when the movie DVD disk is inserted. Is there a way this can be replicated in some way, as kdelive seems on the face of it a perfect replacement. Any other changeover advice will be gratefully received as well



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Re: Complet Newbie Requests Advice

Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:13 am

Most Linux users have on day been using MacOS or Windows.

Usually you start using two operating systems on your computer using a dual boot, then after a year or two, you remove Windows.

My personal advice would be to meet Linux users in a club, to learn how to to use Linux more quickly.

If a friend of yours is using GNU/Linux, then ask for advice.

GNU/Linux is also a community and you will always be able to get advice.

Now, for your migration, try to use a user friendly distribution with good community.

IMHO, the best distribution today may be Ubuntu :

You can download the distribution and try Linux on a boot CD, without install.

When you feel comfortable, perform an install with dual boot.

Ubuntu provides Gnome environment, but you can run Kde4 without problem.

Last info, some replacements:

:arrow: Photo => Gphoto

:arrow: Photoshop => Gimp

:arrow: Video trimming, conversion => avidemux

Goog luck and welcome in the GNU/Linux community.

Kind regards,



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