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KDEnlive mostly unstable with Debian

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Hello all,

about 1 1/2 years ago I discovered KDEnlive for video-editing and found it useful though often crashing.

After pausing and replacing it 6 month ago with a newer version it turned out to be unusable: it needed only few steps of editing untill it crashed, mostly when trying to render.

Now I tried again with the last version.

With each step of editing it uses the full power of the CPU and taking minutes, just fpr changing the position at the editing-timeline.

I may do maybe 4 - 5 steps until it crashes.

If I do the same with Avidemux all steps are nearly instantly done, while KDEnlive is taking 20 times longer and crashes.

I'm using Debian-lenny with a 2.6.22-Kernel


Is there any hint how to fix this issues?

May I step back to an older version, that maybe works again (and where to find) ?


thanx for helping


Registered Member

Did you use our Kdenlive Debian packages with Debian SID? Please inform us of Kdenlive, MLT and FFmpeg versions. You should be using Marillat packages, as they are mostly up-to-date. Also, please register your camcorder. At present AVCHD is not fully supported but will be in the next weeks.


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