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Kdenlive 0.8 and other Linux NLE's on AV Linux 5.0 LiveDVD

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I wanted to pass along that AV Linux 5.0 has been released which features Kdenlive 0.8, Openshot 1.31, LiVES 1.44 and Cinelerra 2.1.5CV all on one LiveDVD. The LiveDVD also has a GIT version of MLT 0.7.3 which resolves much of the jerky frame-seeking issues in 0.7.2 that affect both Kdenlive and Openshot.

I wasn't sure what the current status of Kdenlive on a LiveDVD was here so I thought I'd pass this along. AV Linux is the featured LiveDVD for both LiVES and Openshot and it's my pleasure to have Kdenlive 0.8 on there as well. My sincere encouragement to the Kdenlive developers and Dan Dennedy the MLT developer.

AV Linux info:

Glen MacArthur - AV Linux Maintainer


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