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Kdenlive fonts, appearance

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Kdenlive fonts, appearance

Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:24 pm
Hello Everyone,

I have kdenlive running on ubuntu 10.04lts and have been using it for a while now with great success! But now I have some questions dealing with the appearance of the windows inside kdenlive and the fonts.

1. Is there a way to share the setup of the work area of kdenlive? I see some pics of the program and they look like someone has gone in and changed some sizes and such thru the menus. Instead of trying to mimic what I saw I was wondering if there was a way to share ones setup of kdenlive in the appearance area?

2. When kdenlive loads all the fonts and such are kinda small. About 8cpi size I guess. I do not see where to custumize the fonts in kdenlive so I tried in ubuntu appearance settings. No go.

Thank you for such a great program! Love the *ell out of it and I use it all the time.

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Re: Kdenlive fonts, appearance

Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:15 am
For anyone coming here looking for a solution after all these years (like I did):
Under non-kde distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint), you can set kdenlive fonts and appearance by setting Qt and GTK configuration.

You should install qt4-qtconfig to be able to set basic theme appearance. And then you install systemsettings to be able to set specific font sizes and settings alike.


Hope that helps!


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