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Preview window problems

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Preview window problems

Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:57 am
I am a casual linux user, meaning that I don't understand too much about the environment variables, libraries, and stuff like that which normally a layman would not understand.

I downloaded the latest version of kdenlive available (currently and thought of testing it out. The very first thing that comes to mind is "It's a good-looking program". But then, when I added a clip and hit the play button on the preview window, I see a blank white screen with the audio in the background. I searched for a solution quite a bit, not because I'm really desperate to use it, but I'd like to fix it and understand what is wrong. I found something here:

I disabled compiz but it still didn't work. Then I tried to run it using the given command and it worked:

Now I don't exactly understand what this does. Maybe sets the environment so that it ignores any visual configs? I'd like to fix this problem because I know that sooner or later I'm going to forget the command and it's a hassle to keep typing in the terminal something you don't understand.

Any ideas as to the problem and what can be done? Looking forward to a response. Thanks.


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