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possibility to display footage at 100 % on the view wndow

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I'm an independant filmaker (and also a teacher who try to convice student to use free software !)
First I would like to congratulate the kdenlive team for this very promising video editing software.
(It's really nice to have an editing software able to read a lot of format, specially at this moment when students (and my self) are using different kind of footage like youtube stuff and all those new codecs from high consumers video camera that FCP or Premiere are unable to manage correctly)
I edit since almost 16 years (my first system was premiere 1.0 with a miro dc1 card).
Unfortuatlly, I'm not a programmer so I think it's difficult for me to help you.

I don't know exactlly where to post some suggestions about Kdenlive.
I think it will be very helpfull to have te possibility to display the images at differents scales throught the view window. For exemple display a footage at 100 % (very usefull to check the quality) or 50 % (for hd content for exemple).
I think it is an important function to check the quality of the footage during editing.

Excellent work and all the best !

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At the moment it is possible to resize the preview to 50% or 100%, which means the footage will take up 100% or 50% of the clip monitor, unlike Premiere for instance where 100% means the footage will be set to it's original size, even if it means that the preview will appear zoomed in (or out).

I think the ideal settings would be :
- fill window (what you get by default, which corresponds to the actual 100% setting)
- 100% (show real pixel size, so Full HD footage would appear to be zoomed in quite a lot)
- 50%
- 25%

It would pretty much be like zooming in an image editor (for instance the zoom menu in Gimp).

Having that zooming flexibility would be great, but to be really usefull we would need the possibilty to pan around the picture in the clip monitor.


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