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Kdenlive participation in GsoC 2012

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Kdenlive participation in GsoC 2012

Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:47 pm
I really would like to participate in the "Google Summer of Code 2012" event with an great idea for the Kdenlive project. I thought about implementing subtitle editing functionality in several ways: Import ".srt" and similar subtitle files into the "Project Tree", import them from there into a special subtitle track (equal to video/audio). This track can then be moved, dragged, splitted into parts or even resized (thus stretching or clinching the time of every single subtext passage). There could be three ways to export the subtitle: Hardcoded into the rendered file with adjustments to the style or font, into a separate file (like .srt) or packed into a Matroska container (.mkv).

Such a feature would be a major achievement for the project also because a lot of other available editors lack of subtitle support. Due to the extent of this proposal, it may be easy to outsource the actual subtitle editing into an external application for now, like "SubtitleComposer" ( ), which could be accessed from within kdenlive.

I'm not an C++/C expert but I'm motivated to make mockups, document or hack on the source code. As far as I'm informed an open source organization must apply on GsoC with one or more idea for a student project which is then approved and supported by Google.

Hope Kdenlive won't miss this opportunity and this idea might be a good starting point,
what do you think about it?

Best regards,
Jonas Heinrich
Registered Member
I've made a few mockups, look here:


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