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Firewire capture file size setting

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Firewire capture file size setting

Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:11 pm
hi guys. where is the setting for firewire capture so instead of creating a new file after it reaches 1GB, it will record until 3.5GB or whatever I choose? As it stands now when I capture firewire within kdenlive it'll save the file once it reaches 1000MB and then start a new file. I capture xbox 360 gameplay and my game modes last longer then 1000MB worth of data. I'd like to increase the number so I don't have multiple clips when I create my project. Thanks
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I was encountering the same thing. With my system (using firewire) It appears kdenlive uses dvgrab as its underlying capture engine. dvgrab defaults to 1GB file size, but a parameter (-s) will allow specifying a file size, where 0 means no limit - therefore -s0 means do not split at the 1GB limit. kdenlive allows passing dvgrab command parameters. To do this...

Open/Start kdenlive
Navigate to menu item 'Settings'->'Configure Kdenlive...'
Select 'Capture' in the left hand pane
enter -s0 in the field 'dvgrab additional parameters'
click button 'OK'
try to capture video and witness file size is unlimited


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