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Large Image Sequences

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Large Image Sequences

Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:31 pm

I've been using the software for a while, now, and something I've not been able to solve is this:

If I bring in over 600 or so (the number I've found it safest to use), when rendering the file, it produces a blank, yet large, video file.

I originally thought to put this in the rendering section, but there's not really much TO what it's doing when it renders: pretty much click and go, just like with <=600 images. My question is this: Is there a *better* way to process a large number of still frames than what I'm doing which is bringing in 600 at a time, output the vid and then concatenate the vids under a separate video project?

In doing this, I've encountered another problem which will be a separate post, but it seems to be introducing a gap between videos, which makes me really want to be able to process it all in one shot, 7500+ frames or not.

Oh, and for reference, this is on a duocore w/2GBRAM running under LinuxMint11.


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Re: Large Image Sequences

Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:15 am
Are you clicking "Import image sequence" in the add clip dialog or importing each image individually?

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Re: Large Image Sequences

Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:15 pm
Yes. To be less vague, in cases where I know I'm going to have continuous, unbroken, file numbering, I use the image sequence import. These are fine and go for as many frames as I can feed it. The output looks fine.

In cases where the files will, by virtue of whatever has been necessary, skip numbers in the sequence, I bring them in individually since the image sequence import stops when the numbering skips. In the current situation, the number goes from 1603 to 1821 as there was apparently, a path that wasn't quite spot on that produced black frames from 1604 through 1820 and since they took ~11m per frame to render, it was much simpler to just restart rendering at 1821. So, it's in this case, from 1821 forward, that I need to bring them in individually as when I tell it to use Image Sequence, it only brings in ~5s worth and they're all black in preview and render, yet when bringing them individually (600 at a time), it's fine. Having more than 600 frames seem to bugger it up when it renders giving a large, black, anim. It doesn't seem to matter which output format I use, be it HD, AVI, MPG.

Registered Member

Re: Large Image Sequences

Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:48 am
The code only tolerates a gap of 100 frames, and that is not adjustable. Similarly, it expects the number of the sequence to start within 100. What you can do is make or find a script that renumbers and renames the files with a different base name or into a separate directory so that you can import that second set as an image sequence.

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Re: Large Image Sequences

Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:59 am
Hmmm. Good to know about the tolerance ranges -- I didn't know that. So, yeah, a quick script would do the job. Cool. I'll give that a whirl over the weekend.


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