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Shuttle express again.

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Shuttle express again.

Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:30 pm

My environment is OpenSuse 12.2, KDE 4.8.5. and Kdenlive 9.2

I have read all the posts in this forum regarding jog shuttles, and find None of them allow jog shuttle to work.

Here is the CLI running as user and root:-

patrick@videosilch:~> kdenlive
No LADSPA plugins were found!

Check your LADSPA_PATH environment variable.
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
Can't open Jog Shuttle FILE DESCRIPTOR
Object::connect: No such slot KdenliveSettingsDialog::slotCheckShuttle(int)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'kcfg_enableshuttle')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'settings')
Object::connect: No such slot KdenliveSettingsDialog::slotUpdateShuttleDevice(int)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'shuttledevicelist')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'settings')
Object::connect: No such slot KdenliveSettingsDialog::slotUpdateShuttleDevice()
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'settings') cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"The DeckLink drivers are not installed."
"The DeckLink drivers not installed."
Can't open Jog Shuttle FILE DESCRIPTOR
Can't open Jog Shuttle FILE DESCRIPTOR
Can't open Jog Shuttle FILE DESCRIPTOR

videosilch:/home/patrick # kdenlive
No LADSPA plugins were found!

Check your LADSPA_PATH environment variable.
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
Object::connect: No such slot KdenliveSettingsDialog::slotCheckShuttle(int)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'kcfg_enableshuttle')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'settings')
Object::connect: No such slot KdenliveSettingsDialog::slotUpdateShuttleDevice(int)
Object::connect: (sender name: 'shuttledevicelist')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'settings')
Object::connect: No such slot KdenliveSettingsDialog::slotUpdateShuttleDevice()
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'settings') cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"The DeckLink drivers are not installed."
"The DeckLink drivers not installed."
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
kbuildsycoca4 running...
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Can't open Jog Shuttle FILE DESCRIPTOR
Can't open Jog Shuttle FILE DESCRIPTOR

I see someone else had a similar problem, which was dismissed by the maintainer:-

When Googling I found several references to QT4 problems and Kdenlive, including a seemingly pertinent patch, unfortunately I have lost the URL and cannot now find it.

QUESTION Will the shuttlexpress ever work with my environment?

Question If it is possible to get it to work, How do I make it work? (reasonable details please.

Please bear in mind I have tried the "known" fixes of various udev rules!

many thanks




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