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Tree videos in the same scene

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Tree videos in the same scene

Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:39 pm
I am trying to somehow have 3+ videos in the same scene.

I am tiring achieve my goal with composite but no luck, Two videos work but when I try to add the third one everything gets messed up

It is like the third video is under a black layer from one side or something



Thank you for your help
Registered Member
The tracks in Kdenlive's timeline do not work like the layers in graphics programs. Also, the zoom and pan effect does not modify the alpha information and since video clips typically don't include transparency, your current project won't work this way.

You don't need the zoom and pan effect, instead, use only affine transitions. These allow you to control size and placement of a clip. Depending on what you want to achieve, you may also need a clip effect in case you need to clip away parts of a video clip frame.

ps. Please post this kind of questions in the transitions and effects sub forum.
Registered Member

Re: Tree videos in the same scene

Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:17 pm
TheDiveO wrote:The tracks in Kdenlive's timeline do not work like the layers in graphics programs. Also, the zoom and pan effect does not modify the alpha information and since video clips typically don't include transparency, your current project won't work this way.

You don't need the zoom and pan effect, instead, use only affine transitions. These allow you to control size and placement of a clip. Depending on what you want to achieve, you may also need a clip effect in case you need to clip away parts of a video clip frame.

ps. Please post this kind of questions in the transitions and effects sub forum.

Thank You for the reply :)

I am trying to the affine transitions and this is what I got,


I might be doing something wrong, Can you please specify what you meant by "clip effect" either my kdenlive is missing that function or I could not understand what software I had to use.

Thank you again and sorry for posting this thread in a wrong place.


It worked I had to change with track options but they make litle seance to make it work on one video I had to select audio ?!

I do not understand I think: kdenlive team is fantastic, but they need to do a little work on this layer options.
Registered Member

Re: Tree videos in the same scene

Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:16 am
Please forgive me repeating myself, but there is no layer concept in Kdenlive. Tracks aren't layers. The strange compose with Audio track you are seeing is when you don't leave an (empty) bottom most video track. Just leave it in, it doesn't do any harm. However, in your screen shot you've placed only two clips on video tracks, but in the title of your post you're hinting at three?

By clip effect I mean a clipping effect, but I don't remember its name at the moment. Could be the Cut and Pan effect, but I'm not sure. It sometimes become necessary when you are compositing in a way where the Compose transition isn't enough, for instance, when you need to cut away parts of the original clip without zooming in or out to make room for other clips.

An extreme example of cut and pan with additional composition is the intro in this video. Made in Kdenlive, of course.
Registered Member

Re: Tree videos in the same scene

Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:58 pm
TheDiveO wrote:in your screen shot you've placed only two clips on video tracks, but in the title of your post you're hinting at three?

You are right I have noticed that after you pointed it out but the third "Track" is a video file maybe I had to reconfigure track parameters and set it as a video, and that caused the strange "with track options"

However with your help I managed to achieve my goal.

Thank you



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