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I would like to help fund the Kdenlive project

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Hi People,

My name is Paul Brown. I was formerly the editor-in-chief of Linux Magazine Spain and currently of Ubuntu User US/UK.

But today I am contacting you on behalf of Pling.

I am a great fan of Kdenlive, and use it A LOT. It pained me to hear of the problems development had last year and, although I don't believe in magical solutions, maybe I can help somewhat.

As mentioned above, our own project is called Pling, and it is a platform for microdonations. The aim of Pling is to make dirt-easy for users to give to Free Software and Free Culture projects they like. The idea is to help projects receive a constant stream of microdonations. I personally thought of Kdenlive because it is something I would gladly donate to.

Pling has no commissions, does not force reaching any goals, has no time limits and there are no strings attached. Plus you don't have to upload your project to Pling. You create a microsite for your project, upload a description and some pics or a video and link to your own site and the download of your project.

We will also run thematic campaigns to promote your projects (along with others - in your case, we would have, say, a "make your own video week", with competitions and prizes and stuff).

Although the site has not officially launched yet, and is not ready for you to sign up, we are contacting projects we are personally fond of to see if you would be interested in registering their project in Pling and would appreciate your feedback on the matter.

So is this something that sounds interesting to you?

If you have any questions or anything you would like to talk to me about (maybe your own project?), please do not hesitate to contact me, even privately (email me at I would really love to hear from you.

Lots of luck and best regards



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