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Crashing, crashing...

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Crashing, crashing...

Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:39 pm

In some cases Kdenlive just want not stop crashing.

I noticed that stops crashing after Reload Clip in Clip Tree.

About crashing - version 0.9.6 is really stable compared to previous version :-) My solution is: regularly CTRL+S and regularly make copy of your working .kdenlive file.

Previous verion had also missmatch output profile, e.g. if I changed project from 1920x1080 to e.g. 1280x720 and want exclude frame or render video - Kdenlive ouptput was still 1920x1080. I found solution: need to close Kdenlive editor, open .kdenlive file in txt editor and remove whole line 3:
Code: Select all
<profile width="1920" display_aspect_den="9" colorspace="709" frame_rate_den="1" description="HD 1920x1080 16:9" height="1080" display_aspect_num="16" frame_rate_num="25" progressive="1" sample_aspect_num="1" sample_aspect_den="1"/>
save and open file in Kdenlive editor again, next exclude frame or render video with right profile 1280x720. Always work. Happily version 0.9.6 is free of this problem.

Have a nice day


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