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Changed: Issue with editing 60 fps project

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Ranko Kohime
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I recently installed Manjaro KDE 0.8.9, and it includes Kdenlive 0.9.6, with KDE 4.12.4.

I've used 0.9.6 on Ubuntu and such before without this issue.

When editing, suddenly the clips will not be what they were. Meaning that if I cut a block from the first half of a clip, that block will suddenly reference some other section of that clip. This carries through into rendering, and even saving after each edit to a new file, and going back several files before I experience the issue I cannot find a save that isn't botched.

Has anyone experienced this before, and perhaps know of a solution?

ETA: I was using a 1080p60 source clip, in the 1080p60 project setting. Switching to the 1080p30 project setting (while still using the same 1080p60 source clip) allowed me to edit and render the video without this issue, but it leaves me curious as to why it happens.


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