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How to add a description to title clips?

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Mario Storti
Registered Member
Hi all, I'm rather new to KDEnlive. Very useful application so far!!

I'm making a video, I added several "Title Clips", but now my clip
list becomes pretty crowded and it gets confusing. For video clips I
can add a description. How can I add a description to the title clips?

TIA, Mario
Registered Member
I think it's not possible to add a description but you can double click on the tiltle name and change that to whatever you want.
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In the project list not only you can add a description but also change the clip name. Yes, that's correct: you can change the clip name.

Either double click on the name immediately to the right of the clip in the project list or press F2 (rename). You should then be able to rename the clip. I'm typically using a short mnemonic, prefixed with two digits for alphabetical sorting. In addition, I'm organizing my title clips into its own folder or sometimes even folders. However, you can only use a single hierarchy level of folders.

The clip titles then go like this: 10 Intro title, 20 foobar, 90 Credits, 91 Credits 2, ...
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Mario Storti
Registered Member
asilnevs wrote:I think it's not possible to add a description but you can double click on the tiltle name and change that to whatever you want.

Yes, thank you, it's just wat I wanted. How dumb I didn't see it!

TheDiveO wrote:In the project list not only you can add a description but also change the clip name. Yes, that's correct: you can change the clip name.

Either double click on the name immediately to the right of the clip in the project list or press F2 (rename). You should then be able to rename the clip. I'm typically using a short mnemonic, prefixed with two digits for alphabetical sorting. In addition, I'm organizing my title clips into its own folder or sometimes even folders. However, you can only use a single hierarchy level of folders.

The clip titles then go like this: 10 Intro title, 20 foobar, 90 Credits, 91 Credits 2, ...

Thanks for your help! Yes, I can now add a description too.


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