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Few questions / doubts about kdenlive (behaviour and usage)

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Have a Lubuntu 14.04.1 installation (32bit) running in Virtualbox. The installation of 0.9.10 via the PPA route, gave me some trouble (like the desktop integration didn't seem to work, application used to crash and freeze up after some set of steps (couldn't quite figure out the exact sequence that used to trigger this). As a result, I removed it (& MLT and lib), and installed everything from scratch. Things definitely work better. However, here are some questions. Note that I am new to Kdenlive, so some of these might be obvious to many people.

1. When I click on "Help > kdenlive handbook", I get this error popup saying: "khelpcenter - not found". This is even though I have khelpcenter4 package installed, and that does startup fine, when started individually, from command line. What gives ?

2. For title clip, I wish to have text flow in from the left of screen and then stop at the center of screen. For this, I had to move the 'Start' animation screen to far right, and keep 'End' animation screen to center (overlap with viewport). Is this normal ? Asking because it didn't feel very intuitively, and in fact the opposite of what I expected.

3. From the build from source instructions here (, as part of "Deploy the build " instructions one is asked to install the various libraries. I'm not quite sure why it is required, since all those libraries (or many of them) were built along with kdenlive and are part of the libs/ directory anyway ?

4. Also, after the build, I see no instructions where the application start up link are to be set up in the desktop manager (s.a. integration into start-up menu). How does one go about doing it ?

Some clarifications or explanation would certainly help.

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Steve Guilford
Registered Member
#3 - I think he's talking about installing Kdenlive on another machine (build on machine #1, deploy on machine #2).

#4 - You'll need to manually edit your startup-menu to add Kdenlive to an application group. Under KDE, you'll right-click on the start-menu icon and choose edit-applications.
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#1 Is (I think) a known issue. Use this for help
#2 Yes. Feels a bit counter-intuative. But think of it as a camera panning across your title ... vertically
#3 - I think Steve is right. You don't need to deploy your build if you built it and are using it on the machine you built it on. Just "run the build"


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