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slowmoVideo to convert framerate - how to automate

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Hi, I'm using the great program slowmoVideo to convert video clips recorded on my Android phone (at 30 fps, can't change) to 25 fps for inclusion in a PAL video in kdenlive. The result looks really good, it shows no frame-drop stutter which is so typical for the simplemost NTSC-PAL conversion. Unfortunately, my process involves

* manually setting up a slowmoVideo project for each clip from the phone
* rendering it in slowmoVideo into a 25-fps video clip
* remuxing the original audio into the new 25-fps video clip

This takes a lot of mouse clicks, especially when there are dozens of clips to convert.

Does anyone know of a way of automating this process? I had a look around on the slowmoVideo website, hoping for a command line back-end to the process. It appears however that one needs the GUI to actually render the video.

Registered Member
Hi wms,
you do not need to convert 30fps to 25fps before editing with kdenlive. Simply create a kdenlive project with the target framerate and resolution. Then add your clips with any format, framerate or resolution to the project. If asked, do not change the project settings when importing. kdenlive does not care about the source framerate and "converts" it according to the project settings while rendering.
Registered Member
Thank you capslock, I was already aware of the flexibility of kdenlive in handling source material of different frame rates. However I believe that, when rendering a 30-fps clip into a 25-fps project, kdenlive will drop every 6th frame of the 30-fps clip, which leads to jerky motion in the rendered output. Hence the smoother way is the calculation of 25 new frames per second by interpolating between the 30 original frames per second. SlowmoVideo does just that. I realise that there is quality loss involved in this operation but I find that the eye is more forgiving to this than to jerky motion.


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