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External VTR transport control

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External VTR transport control

Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:47 am
I have searched for some time for some way to interface Kdenlive events such as play, stop or record so as to run external commands for instance to stop and start an external VTR machine. The only events I can see for this use are the notifications which seem to be limited to those in the "Configure Notifications" panel. Is there some way to add custom notifications which can use the "Run Command" button so that I may call LIRC to send an infrared command to the external machinery?
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Steve Guilford
Registered Member

Re: External VTR transport control

Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:34 pm
joebarnett wrote:I have searched for some time for some way to interface Kdenlive events such as play, stop or record so as to run external commands for instance to stop and start an external VTR machine. The only events I can see for this use are the notifications which seem to be limited to those in the "Configure Notifications" panel. Is there some way to add custom notifications which can use the "Run Command" button so that I may call LIRC to send an infrared command to the external machinery?

That doesn't sound like a worthwhile integration to me. You would still have the problem of integrating/migrating media recorded by the external device into Kdenlive. The point of having capture devices that can be utilized via the record panel is the ability to then immediately make that media available in the editor. So...the start/stop button seems like the entry point to a can of worms.

Maybe I'm missing something - probably. Please clarify if necessary.

That comment aside, I'm sure it can be done. It's just a matter of code.....
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Re: External VTR transport control

Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:32 pm
For clarification, I sometimes need to dub out a video clip on to videotape, mostly DVcam but sometimes mini-DV, to send to a client. Failing a Sony RS422 transport intergration I thought I could use LIRC to start the VTR recording and stop it at the end of the clip.


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