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Any plans for H.265 in Kdenlive?

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Any plans for H.265 in Kdenlive?

Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:12 pm

I am interested in buying a camera called the Samsung NX1 which records 4K video in H.265.

I am aware that H.265 works in ffmpeg and GStreamer but I found that it has not been implemented in Kdenlive as of yet.

Are there any plans to implement this format?

Kind Regards,

Drew :)
KDE Developer

Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:44 pm

Codecs is actually not the matter of Kdenlive, but rather decoding libraries (mainly libavcodec) and eventually encoding libraries (libx265 in this case, but you always can export in some other format like webm/vpx).
If you have a H265 enabled libavcodec, then you can work with your source media without anything to add. If you want to export to H265, you need to have a recent MLT build that enabled x265 parameters (done in meltytech daily builds, todo in ubuntu PPA and other distro?).
In Kdenlive you would only have to create a x265 export profile (based on x264, as we are using MLT presets it is not difficult), just few text lines to change without compiling anything.
So nothing should retain you to work with H265 in Kdenlive (in theory, not tested here)!
You may try first with video samples picked from the web?

Don't hesitate to give us news!

Registered Member
Hi Drew,

did you get your NX1? did you tested it with Kdenlive? I did it and it works but with some issues that perhaps are due to other factors.
The NX1 is awesome. I am by no means "religious" of brands. I like good technology regardless who makes it. I have used Canon, Fujifilm, SONY and Nikon for about 30 years. The last 10, Nikon has been my preferred DSLR and SONY for camcorders. I got all robbed from home a couple month ago and was forced to start all over. There, I found the NX1 as perhaps the best choice for photo and video in the same device. Regardless the reckless decisions from Samsung about the NX line, I jumped in profiting the lower prices. There are plenty of lenses out there for this camera including a complete line from Samyang.
The camera is awesome but quite different to what I was used to. There are so many tools and options to learn. I had to give a try to options that go into a complete different direction. I was used to edit all in-post from raw files in photography and even with the GoPro4 with protune modes, but instead this camera has tools towards helping producing in camera a close to final product (e.g. focusing in one corner and exposing in the other by simply dragging a cursor on the touchscreen). So, yes I am satisfied with the camera, not with Samsung and their bad decisions with the NX line, however most post about this camera are addressing only photography, while for video they are only recommending options to down-convert from HEVC/H265 to H264.

It seems that Magix has introduced H265 support into their products (Movie Edit Pro 2016 and perhaps Movie Studio 14). Adobe has a plugin as well, so this is finally happening despite h265 has been around for years now.
Kdenlive supported h265 earlier than most editors. As Vincent stated it is not really a Kdenlive feature but of its dependencies.

I use:
Kdenlive 16.11.90 over KDE 4.14.18 on OpenSuSE Leap 42.1 (I checked I had installed x265)

Right from the camera, I import the files into KDEnlive and it proposes to change the project profile to the added clip and I can edit and render as with any other file. As vpinon stated, MLT presets are easy to adapt to H265 by editing the codes with the provided tools of Kdenlive. However, it happens to me quite often that Kdenlive changes the dimensions on the Project and Clip monitors, showing the clip more narrow than the assigned size. The monitor shows the clip compressed laterally, leaving two vertical black bands on the sides. The rendered result also carries that mistake. It is not always but very often, even editing files 1920x1080.
I checked all settings (project/timeline/preview/monitor/render) but often I get a wrong dimension. On the same timeline I can have a file from gopro and another from the Nx1, both of the same dimensions but the one from the NX1 may be shown shrinked and the other fine. This happens as soon as I import the files or after opening the project profile dialog, even without changing anything, the monitor shows the clip in a wrong dimension. And sometimes it works as a charm. Perhaps it is due to the mixes of packages I have from KDE4 and KDE5. I am not sure. Also, the menu/project option "clip properties" does not work (does not show anything about any file). I use Mediainfo to check the properties of my files.



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