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Kdenlive on Reddit?

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Kdenlive on Reddit?

Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:45 pm

As fantastic as Kdenlive is, as a piece of software, no-one can deny it has its fair share of bugs and nuances. I've noticed a lot of other open-source projects have had success in using Reddit as a support and help forum, so I suggest to you that as another avenue that might help people, Kdenlive does the same.

As a long time Kdenlive user who as used this software to produce hundreds of videos, I'd be happy to kick this off. I think it could be quite useful to particpate in a comunity where we can help people without them having to sign up for a new account on a new website just to get help on a single issue.

What are your thoughts?
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Re: Kdenlive on Reddit?

Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:04 pm
I think it is not a good idea to try and support kdenlive via a second forum site. You just dilute the concentration of expert users that might be able to offer answers to questions. I, for one, would not bother to read both a reddit forum and this forum with the aim of helping users. I would just stick to the one place.
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Re: Kdenlive on Reddit?

Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:43 am
I've seen and had a decent about of success chatting with folks on other, much smaller projects. There's an obvious lack of enthusiasm for it here, which I think is a shame because I've always felt this site to be a bit clunky and would have enjoyed a more social type setting for seeking help and chatting over editing techniques. Especially with the ability to upvote and downvote comments. If my schedule frees up, I might take a stab at it nevertheless, worse case scenario it can only fail, but I'll put it on the back burner for now. Kdenlive's a fantastic and ambitious piece of software, but it's not without it's quirks. It kinda makes sense to me to make access help as accessible as possible and I guess part of that would be going to where to people need help, instead of expecting them to come to you. Although who's to say the Reddit group would even turn into a support forum?

Anyhoo, I'll leave it for the time being.


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