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Kdenlive in the Press

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Steve Guilford
Registered Member

Kdenlive in the Press

Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:03 pm
Kdenlive is covered in the current (February) issue of LinuxPro Magazine. It's available in print presently and digitally in a few weeks. I was at the ScaleX Conference in L.A. yesterday and picked up a copy. The lead story for this month's issue is 'Video Editors...Pick your favorite tool for the video revolution'.

The article covers nine different video editing solutions available for Linux. The article's conclusion is that Kdenlive has become a feature monster over the years. But, in spite of this, it still can't compete w/ Adobe Premier Pro. I'd say it's not bad to be compared to a proprietary, commercially supported solution !!!

The article posits that Kdenlive, Cinelerra and Lightworks are the only solutions appropriate for professional and advanced use.

The article was written in September and mentions the brief lapse in support/development that the Kdenlive community experienced towards the end of 2013. It also mentions that we've gotten our Mojo back !!!

8) :)
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Re: Kdenlive in the Press

Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:49 am
I've never used Lightworks... and though I do miss a couple features from Cinelerra... primarially background rendering... Kdenlive always seemed like a much more stable community even during the end of 2013.
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Steve Guilford
Registered Member

Re: Kdenlive in the Press

Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:53 am
I found another review online. This one is quite glowing in it's praise. The reviewer is using the latest 0.9.10 release and says it has yet to crash on him.

Nice !!!


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