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Open/Import FCP project

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Open/Import FCP project

Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:43 am
First posting so don't flame please. o)
I find it interesting of the many that have used FCP before, now KDEnlive, that the question of importing or opening existing FCP projects hasn't been asked. Can it? If so, how?

I am working on a FCP project where for a two-hour 720p video it is taking over 24 hours to export (render). Apple Processor crashes FCP and the QT Conversion just takes forever. I want to bring this project over to KDEnlive where it will take under an hour to render in 1080p.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Open/Import FCP project

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:36 pm
I take it that FCP = Final Cut Pro.
Not that it matters because Kdenlive does not support importing video projects from other video editors.

There was a KdenParse python script that tries to write EDL (edit decision list) files from Kdenlive project files. But this the opposite direction to what you want.
Announcing KdenParse, python kdenlive project file parser, generates an edl (sort of) and other stuff

There is not much incentive to develop importers from other programs when you are offering free software. Kdenlive does not have to try and attract market share by offering converter software. So I think you are going to be out of luck here.
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Steve Guilford
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Re: Open/Import FCP project

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:52 pm
ttguy wrote:There is not much incentive to develop importers from other programs when you are offering free software. Kdenlive does not have to try and attract market share by offering converter software. So I think you are going to be out of luck here.

Respectfully, I disagree. One of the hurdles in the adoption of new technology is the difficulty people have leaving one familiar modality for another. Anything that smooths that transition is most likely a positive influence on the evolution of technology.

Two factors though come to mind in regards to a import/conversion feature for Kdenlive. How often is it the case that people need to move projects from one video editor to another? It may be that this is not enough of an issue. Not having a lot of exposure in the MM field, I'm unaware of how prevalent project import/export/conversion features are in professional, proprietary NLE's. If these products include this capability, that would argue in favor of Kdenlive having the ability too.
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Re: Open/Import FCP project

Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:50 pm
Any kind of functionality which makes it easier to collaborate with other editors and editing systems would be a huge boost for Kdenlive - I currently do all my post-production alone as my projects and software are incompatible with those of all the other editors I know, who all use proprietary software.
For now, I'm happy with my one-man-band setup, but if I want to ever expand into bigger or more complicated projects, I'll need to work with other editors and other post-production experts (sound, VFX, colour) - then I will have to find different software which can do EDL / OMF exports and imports.

One thing I like about introducing artists and illustrators to Krita is that they can use it to open their old Photoshop projects, so they never lose access to their old work - they can also save to PSD to exchange files with other illustrators. Unfortunately I can't give video editors the same promise for Kdenlive.
This aspect is one which keeps most professional editors from being able to use Kdenlive. (The other is having separate, multiple sequences within a project).

I don't mean to moan, the developers all have their own goals and areas of interest, and they can choose to work on whatever they like!
But I just want to add my support to the idea that the ability to open/save as common proprietary formats or (pseudo) standards like EDL/OMF would be an essential step in bringing more professional users to Kdenlive.
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