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What Is The Best Distro And Desktop?

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I truly dig Kdenlive, and I have no problem with the occasional crash. But, I would like to know what Linux distro works the best for using Kdenlive? If someone considers themselves "dialed in" on using Kdenlive, please enlighten me. What distro, destop, bug fixes, etc. I hope this isn't too vague, but I am mainly wanting to set up my computer for Kdenlive, Inkscape, Audacity and web browsing. (also recordmydesktop if I can't get Kdenlives screen grab to work with audio) Super powerful piece of software, but I am having a lot of "glitch" issues. I am currently running Mint with Mate desktop, but I have no problem switching distros and/or desktops. But, KDE desktop isn't available for Mint yet, so that's out.
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Check out Archlinux with KDE. You can use the default repos and will always have the latest releases of your software.
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I use Arch Linux, which as far as I know ensures that inkscape, Audacity and Kdenlive will be updated rather quickly.

I use Awesome WM. I don't like window decorations (at least I got used to not having them on my Linux desktop machine). I use Win+F to temporarily fullscreen windows (no decoration, no taks bar) and the following script to resize a window to 720p.

Code: Select all
$ cat .local/bin/wmv
wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 1,0,0,1280,720

I use the capwin-pulse script in combination with having pulseaudio running and having set "Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" as the set input device, to record apps. It only works in the first screen and you click the window to record after running it in a terminal. Clicking root will record all screens. It's not as great for 3D as glc-capture is.

My system is rather old which might explain why I avoid DEs like KDE. Here are my system specs:
Code: Select all
Distro        4.1.4-1-ARCH x86_64
Mainboard     FOXCONN A7GM-S 2.0
CPU           AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
              4 x 2200 MHz, 64-bit
RAM           7.8G
Video         Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
              Cape Verde PRO [Radeon HD 7750 / R7 250E]
OpenGL        4.4.13397 Core Profile Context 15.20.1013, GLSL 4.40
GCC           gcc (GCC) 5.2.0

Upgrading from 4GB to 8GB RAM was extremely good. Before I could not render and use the computer for other tasks at the same time.
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Kubuntu 15.04 and openSuSE 13.2 are what I have had good experiences with and they both use the older kdenlive branch, with kdenlive, latest and greatest are not the best idea as before the kdenilve-15 release kdenive was far more usable, whereas now, you get a fair few issues and annoyances (like kdenlive-15 can't remember its window placements on startup).

I use openSuSE Tumbleweed now, and have gone to great pains to get the old branch working in the bleeding edge release.
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qubodup wrote:I use Arch Linux, which as far as I know ensures that inkscape, Audacity and Kdenlive will be updated rather quickly.

I use Awesome WM. I don't like window decorations (at least I got used to not having them on my Linux desktop machine). I use Win+F to temporarily fullscreen windows (no decoration, no taks bar) and the following script to resize a window to 720p.

Code: Select all
$ cat .local/bin/wmv
wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 1,0,0,1280,720

I use the capwin-pulse script in combination with having pulseaudio running and having set "Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" as the set input device, to record apps. It only works in the first screen and you click the window to record after running it in a terminal. Clicking root will record all screens. It's not as great for 3D as glc-capture is.

My system is rather old which might explain why I avoid DEs like KDE. Here are my system specs:
Code: Select all
Distro        4.1.4-1-ARCH x86_64
Mainboard     FOXCONN A7GM-S 2.0
CPU           AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
              4 x 2200 MHz, 64-bit
RAM           7.8G
Video         Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
              Cape Verde PRO [Radeon HD 7750 / R7 250E]
OpenGL        4.4.13397 Core Profile Context 15.20.1013, GLSL 4.40
GCC           gcc (GCC) 5.2.0

Upgrading from 4GB to 8GB RAM was extremely good. Before I could not render and use the computer for other tasks at the same time.

I get a usable desktop by limiting the number of renders in parallel to 2 and using a low priority.

So I use generate scripts, then I use gnu parallel in the kdenlive scripts folder.

nice -n 15 parallel -j 2 sh {} ::: *.sh

This means run sh against all the sh scripts in this folder with 2 running in parallel until they're all finished with a low priority.

This way the renders should run in the background without killing your cpu and memory.


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