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Ease-in & Ease-out keyframe / Logarithmic fade not possible?

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In other video editing software it's possible to "ease-in" / "ease-out" effects keyframes and fades. Sometimes this is called by other names like "gradual transition" or "logarithmic fade" or "change fade shape". Some video editors also let you tweak the transition with bezier curves. The purpose is to have an effects transition (i.e. a pan move) that could start out fast then slow down as it approaches the end of the pan rather than have a constant speed along the pan and slam to a stop.

Here's a picture of the options offered for a fade-to-black at the end of a clip in Sony Vegas.
(click to enlarge)

In Sony Vegas you can also change keyframe options so that the transition from keyframe to keyframe can be smoothed. These tweakable transitions looks more professional than the straight "linear" fade in and fade out offered by default KdenLive.

In KdenLive I haven't found a way to do this. In a simple fade to black (by dragging the top corner of a video clip inward) the curve is only a straight linear fade.
Same with keyframes in effects, there seems to be only the basic linear transition from keyframe to keyframe.

Is there any to change the transition curve type?

KDE Developer

This was the topic of our Google Summer of Code this year (just ended, see latest blog post)!
The feature is already available in MLT for 2 years, we only had to tune the UI to make it useable.
The code is not yet in releasable state but we plan to get it out for December release.
If you can't wait it is possible to edit MLT XML generated by Kdenlive to add the smoothing to keyframes: in an effect parameter you just have to replace [timecode]=[param value] to [imecode]~=[param value]...




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