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Kdenlive crashing upon use of rotoscoping

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I have been using Kdenlive for a few years now, ever since I had to install Linux due to issue with my computer. I usually didn't have a problem with it save for a couple glitches in video rendering. But problems started happening ever since Kdenlive 15 came out. Initially I could not even install it, and even when I did, the icons were a little messed up at the bottom, and for some reason I can no longer change the theme (though I think this was intentional as I use Openbox and when using Virtualbox I found that the KDE desktop can utilize the theme change just fine).

But those aren't so much an issue for me before. The icon and theme thing is only minor and 15 does load up for me now.

My current problem is that some effects (offhand I can only remember Rotoscoping) cause Kdenlive to crash. Most effects work fine, but upon applying this one effect, one of two things will happen. Either Kdenlive will freeze and crash, or it will show me that the effect was in place and let me tweak the settings, but as soon as I click the video to begin working with it, it crashes.

Not much info is really shown to me in the terminal except for this:

Code: Select all
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Nothing else. Just that.

Has anyone else had this problem? Is it something wrong with my system, or just another bug?

I am presently using Kdenlive Version 15.08.3.

Additional data:

KDE Frameworks 5.15.0
Qt 5.5.1 (built against 5.5.0)
The xcb windowing system
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Unfortunately, the rotoscoping effect is broken according to


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