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Random Pan and Zoom, Clip Cutter

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Random Pan and Zoom, Clip Cutter

Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:17 pm
Hey folks,
I'm not sure if I am going about this the right way or not... so I thought I'd put it up here.

I do a lot of two camera shoots with a single stable camera, and a manned camera that provides closeups and different shots.

I find that I spend an AWFUL lot of time panning and zooming in post to give the illusion that there is more going on. ESPECIALLY with the unmanned camera, but also with the manned Camera.

I don't particularly ever care what zoom or pan or tilt is digitally added to the unmanned clips, but I was tiring of doing it manually...

So, this weekend, I wrote a java application that automatically randomizes pan, tilt, zoom etc. to the clips. I also added an automated cutter, but, I don't think that is going to be as big of a help as I had originally imagined.

Anyway... I created this java app... and it is pretty nice. It is saving me a TON of time. Is there something already out there that can create automated pans/tilts/zooms?
Does anybody else need this type of functionality?
Is anybody developing java apps that do this sort of thing... and maybe... want to collaborate?
What other automated features would make sense?
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This sounds interesting but I can't really imagine what this is for and how it works. Can you show a before and after example or demo the app?

It's definitely possible to add random effects via the XML .mlt render or .kdenlive project files.

What would be interesting to me: cutting a video in kdenlive and adding audio, then using an automatic tool to add a watermark, fadeout and outro for all groups of clips. I'd use this for presentations at events to save a bit of time ( ).


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