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State of Kdenlive at Libre Graphics Meeting 2016

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Is anyone else from the Kdenlive community going to be at Libre Graphics Meeting this year? (15th-18th April, in London)
It's a really inspiring crowd of developers, artists, designers, videomakers and other creative users of F/LOSS tools.
There's one talk which always kicks off the event called 'State of Libre Graphics' where many different projects are presented, showing their progress over the past year. It would be great to have a Kdenlive slide included.
I am happy to volunteer to make the slide, but I need input from the devs and community about what it should include. I will ask this same question during the Kdenlive Cafe on Friday, but I thought it would be good to ask people here as well.

What for you are the most significant developments in Kdenlive in the past year?
This could be:
-community development?
-important milestones?
-GUI or workflow improvements?
-featured in press/high-profile uses?
-great new features?
-something else I haven't thought of?

and are there any really exciting things planned for the near future?
The audience at LGM is a mix of creative and technical, so you can go in any direction.
Free Culture videos made with Free/Libre/Open Source Software about Open Hardware, Open Data, Open Everything
KDE Developer

We'll discuss this during café, excellent idea, but let me start the exercise at a slow pace :)

For my part looking back at 2015, I am very happy for the resurrection of the coding momentum. The switch to KF5 and the release of 15.04 was the 1st important evolution for so long, even if it was maybe technically a bit early, it was an important event and showed the code was not so rotten despite of what I had heard.

Then 15.08 was a new small revolution, integrating big refactoring efforts waiting for long, with the switch to OpenGL display allowing the return of GPU effects (maybe still buggy, but of great potential!).

And since Randa 2015 (UI review and other real/online discussions), we are now focused on improving the workflow for both newcomers and intensive users, with eg the quick effect menu, auto compositing, simpler export dialog, but also edits copy/paste, new audio scopes... and many many bugs fixed!

All this work deserves more communication, so yes please please go on for LGM!

(and why not posting to list for other point of views?)



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