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60fps video shows only half video in the editor (15.12.2)

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Hi, I am trying to open one Go Pro 60fps video in a 60 fps project (KDEnlive 15.12.2).

It opens, but it displays different values on the time line. The video is 09:39:42 as displayed in the "Project Bin". It seems it tries to display the same time on the "time-line-ruler", but the buttom right "timer" shows 04:49,49 which corresponds to my user experience, when I watch the video on the time-line. When I watch the video in the clip monitor, I can watch the whole length of the video, namely over 9 minutes. What is wrong with the time line?

I have attached a screenshot that shows the issue, and I can provide more info, if necessary. Thanks!

Link to image:

/Plantsugar Ⓥegan youtube.

Vegan Consultancy Services , Linux backend servers, R-project, Logistics, Data Conversion, Drupal Websites and Upgrade to Drupal 9, Excel/VBA.
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Same thing after upgrading to 15.12.3.

pkg -s kdenlive
Package: kdenlive
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: video
Installed-Size: 5712
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 4:15.12.3+git20160302~ubuntu15.10.1

/Plantsugar Ⓥegan youtube.

Vegan Consultancy Services , Linux backend servers, R-project, Logistics, Data Conversion, Drupal Websites and Upgrade to Drupal 9, Excel/VBA.
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The next steps could be:

1. Please install the Kdenlive testing version from Kdenlive's own ppas. It also installs recent ffmpeg and MLT with frei0r. Try again using a clean project to be sure. If the problem should be gone, fine. If not, please proceed with step 2.

2. If this problem persists, please try to minimize your project and file a bug report on Kdenlive's (KDE's) bugtracker. For this step I would like to ask you to first try to extract from your long video file only a short piece using ffmpeg:
Code: Select all
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:01:00 -vcodec copy -acodec copy shortvid.mp4

Then please recheck with Kdenlive that the issue still persists. If not, there's a encoding problem in the container and you may need to file the bug upstream with the ffmpeg project. If the problem still persists, then please file a bug with Kdenlive including your short video in order to allow the developers to reproduce and track down the bug.

Thank you very much for taking this time to isolate the problem and to improve Kdenlive's quality.
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Thanks TheDiveO. I acutally filed the bug report already. I think it is important info that the latest stable version of KDEnlive is not able to open a 60fps video.

I have reproduced the issue with a random youtube-video as described in the comments of the bug report:

Thanks for your time!

Edit 2016-04-11: the solution is also stated in the bug report. Upgrade to the latest test version 16.03.70 or something. :-D Scary that the latest stable version breaks 60 fps videos. ;-)

/Plantsugar Ⓥegan youtube.

Vegan Consultancy Services , Linux backend servers, R-project, Logistics, Data Conversion, Drupal Websites and Upgrade to Drupal 9, Excel/VBA.


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