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Kdenlive no longer does things i need it to do :(

Tags: render, crash, bug, sux render, crash, bug, sux render, crash, bug, sux
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xD Problem 1. Unable to select multiple png clips and change duration.

I work a lot with animation and need to be able to import transparent png files; sometimes hundreds of them; which all have a default length of 00:05:00 (when i need like 00:00:03) . and i USED TO be able to highlight all the clips at once and change clip properties duration and it was applied to all. It no longer does this and so i would have to change the duration of each, one at a time. This is not going to happen. :'(
I do not have the option to work with blue screen chroma key as the objects i am animating are multicoloured.
Has anyone worked out a way to change the duration of multiple image clips? or change the default?

xD Problem 2: A whole file that I'd been working on for weeks suddenly wouldn't render anymore and crashed everytime i tried.

I have been using Kdenlive for a long time now and have worked around many bugs and crash problems but it's getting CRAZY when the whole file that you've been working on for weeks suddenly won't render. All that work. I then proceeded to pull the video apart and simplify it to it's basic parts to see if it would render but it is as if the whole file has decided to corrupt and just won't render anything and crashes repeatedly instead. This had me almost in tears and i am really not able to work around this issue... it has happened in the last 2 updates so not a recent issue but i had been able to simplify the file previously and render. Now nothing. >:( :'( :z :'( ???

xD Problem 3: The transitions are buggie and often fail even, and especially,, the most BASIC and necessary DISSOLVE one.
It usually corrects itself upon reopening but having to do this all the time is frustrating..

xD Problem 4: When i add the "Position and Zoom" effect i always have problems. i have to be REALLY careful to always click outside on to the side scroll bar of the Effects bin when i want to go down to the another effect or my scroll automatically selects the effect position of the zoom.... it has been doing it too when i change the length of actual video clip (in the bottom section). I constantly have to go the the effects bar and make sure other effect is selected.

xD Problem 5. The folder function in the project bin is now completely useless as i cant drop drag clips.

It's hard to explain but when you drag a clip from its alphabetised position the auto scroll up or down doesn't kick in and you can't drag it up to the folder you want to put it in. Try it for yourself? Also, I am sure the alphabetised function is useful to someone but it made more sense to me when it was ordered first-to-recently added. Would not care so long as the FOLDER FUNCTION worked properly lol ???
... anyway that might be getting a bit niggly.

There are a lot of little things that have been going wrong... too many to list but the first 4 are the main ones bugging me at the moment...
I wonder if i just use the program differently to most people because my video style is more abstract? I make music film clips mostly and art for art's sake.
Are other people getting the bejeebies with Kdenlive? It's so sad :'( I have always really liked Kdenlive !! it felt immediately intuitive and did everything i needed, and I could USUALLY work around bugs, (occasionally reverted to a previous update in frustration) but now... i can't take it anymore!! Is anyone else having these issues? Has anyone found a way around these things?

:-\ Maybe it's time i gave Cinelera a try.

(In case it's important, i am using Arch Linux, (but wish i were back on beginners Mint, but that's a long Pure Data related story))
Registered Member

For problem 1 : will setting the default duration in Configuration > Configure Kdenlive > Misc > Default Durations and check "Transparent background for imported images" help ?
KDE Developer
Problem 1: default image length can be changed in Kdenlive settings (Misc category)
Haven't tried batch properties changing...

Problem 2: render crash: isn't there a .log file where your export should be stored? if yes, please post it (last few lines, or full log on paste.bin)
you may try to export as a script, close kdenlive, and run the from a console to see. and maybe run melt [your project].mlt
Registered Member
I'd like to add one if I could:

The keyframable volume effect no longer displays a granular list containing percentage-of-original at a specific timecode.
I know exactly what percentages of the original music volume I'm consistently using at different points of my video and I'd rather not calculate what those percentages equate to in decibels.

Long story short, this and other changes are negatively affecting users workflows when we have projects to get out the door. If you want to simplify UI, at least do it by collapsing extended options.

edit: I also just noticed the new render options window.
Again, granularity seems to have been removed. Where are the bitrate settings? cbr/vbr? audio quality? This isn't iMovie, guys...
KDE Developer
I'd rather not calculate what those percentages equate to in decibels.

Sorry, we changed the filter behind to switch to the one supporting smooth keyframes, unfortunately this one doesn't use the same unit.
We converted the filters in batch and didn't notice the change.
Just a question of habit, you will soon get used to it? (rule of thumb: -3dB is -30%, -6dB is -50%, -10dB is -70%)...

Where are the bitrate settings? cbr/vbr? audio quality? This isn't iMovie, guys...

Haven't you noticed the "more options" checkbox? Hidden under iMovie dress, you get back the full control, and even new encoding speed tuning!
Motto is "simple by default, powerful when needed" ;-)
Registered Member
Also !!!!!!!! Argh this one is really annoying! YOU CAN'T ZOOM IN ANY MORE AND SEE THE FRAME previewed on the video bar... You can only see it in the project monitor if you click the exact point ...THIS MAKES EDITING SO MUCH HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i work with quite flashy things sometimes and sometimes need to know that there are an equal number of frames for each section. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am over this. Kdenlive sucks now. i'm out. I can't work with something so unprofessional anymore. :( this is so sad.
Registered Member
Quick question.. Are you sure there are not programmer shills in the Kdenlive team secretly working for Apple to bring you down from within? Or Do the people designing this program actually NEVER use the program before it's released? The new update does this INSANE thing where lol the sound channel is loaded separately... yeah okay maybe........but i should be able to delete it right? or delete something inbetween the video and connected sound channel without deleting BOTH of them AS WELL. LOL omg geeks need to make video art too if they are gonna **** around with this program.. It is just getting ridiculous!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I <3 geeks!! And i wish i were one!! BUT PLEASE HIRE SOME ARTISTS TO TEST YOUR GEAR BEFORE YOU RELEASE IT!!!!!!!!!
KDE Developer
@katmartian: we are really sorry to drive you in such mood.
did the answers we gave help a bit? If you want to get further support maybe try to interact with us in a constructive way :-\
And yes Kdenlive is in a big evolution phase, things have been broken here and there, but several users are testing it much deeper than before, and globally liking the changes.
You didn't say the version you are using; 16.04.2 should work rather robustly (much more than 15.12). There are AUR repositories for arch, PPAs for ubuntu to help non-geek people.
Cheers and good luck in your quest.
Registered Member
katmartian has some very good point although not answering constructive to suggestions doesnt really help either.

I m not a programmer, but a long time user of kdenlive and i have to say that the only feature i am missing for a very long time is stability. Therefore I m wondering about all the new features coming up monthly and I dont see the point in that, while the program itself remains unsuable unstable. But maybe someone of the developers might clarify: Maybe the new features "fly in" from some developers and debugging is done by some other developers?

as i said, I dont know much about this is handled but it surprises me. For me kdenlive is/was the best video editor out there , intuitive and powerful, now i m not sure how i ll handle my next projects ;(
I still hope kdenlive comes back :)
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@kalimerox and @katmartian it would really help if you tell us which versions of Kdenlive and MLT you are using. The latest Kdenlive (16.04.2) is pretty stable and you can get a lot done with it.

I don't know if you have been following the development but Kdenlive is doing a very very very big jump towards becoming a more professional tool. Also if you report a bug it will usually get fixed in the monthly releases.

I second the motion to be more constructive... but if you can't be or need something urgently, well you could always offer a bounty so that someone can fix it. ;)

Happy editing

Registered Member
@ farid of course you re right, i should be precise about versions and OS etc..

using kdenlive 16.04.02 on manjaro linux, it just crashes when i try to import any kind of media.
i have mlt 6.2.0-1 installed...
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Hmmm, I use archlinux and recently it crashed a lot on me just by clicking on the interface, I later found out that it is because of movit (gpu effect processing). Is yours turned on? If so disable it and try again. If that doesn't work, install gdb, open a terminal and run:

Code: Select all
gdb kdenlive

then type

Code: Select all

Now kdenlive opens and try to use it. If it crashes go to the terminal and type

Code: Select all

And report the bug.


Registered Member
thanks for the how to, i ll do that. Just now running kdenlive with gdb i can load videos into kdenlive but when i want to safe the session it crashes.. i ll fill abut report...
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Registered Member
kalimerox wrote:thanks for the how to, i ll do that. Just now running kdenlive with gdb i can load videos into kdenlive but when i want to safe the session it crashes.. i ll fill abut report...

Thanks for helping out ;D


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