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Manual courser control is missing!

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Manual courser control is missing!

Fri May 27, 2016 4:14 pm
In the previous version of kdenlive I used to be able to drag the courser back and forth (the little black triangle pointing down) on the timeline and have it play directly. Or use it to set where the project monitor will start playing. However, right now I cannot, clicking, double clicking on the timeline won't move it.

The only way to control it is to start the preview play back and then click and drag on the timeline but that is still not smooth, and doesn't allow for a precice control like frame by frame, however, that was possible in the old version if I do recall correctly.

Am I missing something? Is it still a todo feature

Here is a screenshot of the courser I am talking about, since I don't know what it is called:

Is anyone having the same issue? I am actually surprised that no one has reported it or replied to my post, while I believe it is a very essential feature when editing clips and inserting transitions ...etc

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Same here...
I installed OpenSuSE Leap 42.1-x64 on a MacBookPro with the same result. I thought it was related to a temporary issue while building thumbnails and proxy clips. But it was not. Then did a fresh installation on a AMD/Nvidia box with default repos with the same issue.

I have MLT 6.0.2 and KDE 4.14.18

I tested Kdenlive 15.12.3, also 16.04.1 and Kdenlive5 v16.04.1. They all show the same behavior. The cursor in both the timeline and the monitor show the "actual" position but it cannot be moved manually (by dragging nor mouse clic), except rare exceptions that do not last for more than a couple of moves. Therefore it looks more like a bug rather than a removed tool. The cursor is there, but it is hard to move it manually. As you mentioned, this is critical to edit with precision. :'(

a side note: I recall also on an earlier versions, you could modify the project properties by a selected clip. Something like "copy clip properties to project profile" or something alike. Anybody knows if it is going to be brought back someday? It was very handy to quickly set the project like the clips and keep the same properties all along.
Many thanks
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Did you have more than a single thread set for Kdenlive itself in the configuration dialog? If yes, can you please try with threads set to 1 and then restart Kdenlive? I've probably seen this behavior on my own system. You can leave the other thread setting for proxy and thumbnail tasks at a higher setting, as that is a different thing.
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Yest I had the settings/environment/threads set to 3.
I found somewhere else on the forum that this could provide a faster render and having six cores of 3GHz I thought to have three threads set to 3, would not be a problem.
OK, I changed it to 1, applied, restarted Kdenlive, opened my last project et voilà!!!! just as you mentioned! the cursor is back under control again.
Many thanks!!!!!
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TheDiveO wrote:Did you have more than a single thread set for Kdenlive itself in the configuration dialog? If yes, can you please try with threads set to 1 and then restart Kdenlive? I've probably seen this behavior on my own system. You can leave the other thread setting for proxy and thumbnail tasks at a higher setting, as that is a different thing.

Thank you very much, this is solution.
Even though it says experimental but I was looking for crashes when I increased it to 2 and even forgot about it since nothing wrong had happened or that was what I thought.


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