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Getting hold of the volume keyframe point is a nightmare

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I am using the Volume (keyframable) effect to lower the volume at some locations (e.g. where I am breathing) it works well but I hope for a better and easier solution in the future (like click on a location and have the volume lower automatically to a preset value instead of creating three points every time). But until there is another solution I am using this, however, it is very very frustrating to control the location of these points after you place them.

So simply I double click to create these points, first point need to be at 0db, second point at a lower db and the third one at 0db to set the volume back.
I would love to have a way to create points at 0db like by pressing shift or crtl since currently it will create it at the location if the click and that ends up being + or - 1~3 and I need to reset it manually.

That still however not what is bothering me the most. It is when I try to select these points to readjust there locations. I cannot get the cursor easily centered on them to select them. I enlarged the timeline viw to the max but with no help.

Watch the screencast which I have recorded just to show how hard it is to select these points: (it is a short webm video)

I would love it if the selection area is enlarged. it feels like it is 1px by 1px :(

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I just realized that it is a problem only when the project is zoomed in to level 9 and beyond (specially between 11~13). So between 1~8 it is easy to grab the volume level circle but you lose accuracy, and beyond 9 you get accurate control but good luck grabbing that point.

I created a bug report here:

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