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Unable to turn off proxies

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Unable to turn off proxies

Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:12 am
I've been trying to wrap my head around the proxy clips. They sound great, I've been working with the for the past few days until today where I realised I may have made a huge mistake and possible have wasted three days. The proxies work great but they seem to have become more or less stuck on my timeline. When I render, it renders with the proxies instead. I can't get rid of them any more. I have disabled every single clip's proxy. I now see the original video in the clip monitor but both in the project monitor as well as in the renders it still shows the proxies.

In the project settings I found an option to toggle proxy clips (it was turn OFF when i found it). Turning it on gave me an option in the render to "render using proxies". But no matter what I do with this, it doesn't change the output in the slightest, it's still proxies. Turning off proxy usage in the project settings doesn't change anything either. Clearing all proxies clips just gives me black screens for every single clip in the timeline. Actually removing the proxy folder just gives me nothing but invalid clips. I've ran out of ideas to give kdenlive the hint I want to stop using them now...

Interestingly, I discovered that adding the same clips to the timeline adds them in their original state. It's just the previously added clips in the timeline that are still proxies. A lot of them of them. As wel as a lot of work to completely recreate it.

Have I made a stupid mistake? Has this project become corrupted? I'd rather find a solution to toggle between original clips and proxies on the fly (or at least for the renders) than having to completely rebuild my current project with no proxies enabled, something I'm not even sure if my laptop is able to handle... Is this a bug or am I perhaps using proxies the wrong way?

If it's of any use, I'm using version 15.12.2 of Kdenlive on Ubuntu 15.10.
KDE Developer

Re: Unable to turn off proxies

Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:49 pm
Maybe try renaming ~/.config/kdenliverc to something else to run with a fresh setup, without settings from old setup that are not accessible anymore in recent versions (to be fixed).
Registered Member

Re: Unable to turn off proxies

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:18 pm
Well, I can't quite test if removing the kdenliverc fixed it or not, but it's definitely working now! ^-^

I don't have the old bugged project around to test on sadly. I ended up completely rebuilding it, replacing every single video in the timeline with the video without proxy enabled. I got it working, got the video rendered and now I'm happy.

I just did a quick test with a new clean project and it seems to be working just fine now. Videos with proxies display as proxies in the timeline. I can toggle them on and off at will, and render them in their original form. My only guess is that the original project got corrupted in some weird way and it was just a one-off thing. Either way, thanks for the input! I'm happy now because I can go back to work :)


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