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Kdenlive crashes when rendering in background

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Kdenlive 0.98 Linux Mint 17.1 8GB RAM If I have a job rendering in the background and I want to edit another video while rendering, Kdenlive often crashes. That is the editor crashes, the render job keeps going until completion. Any pending render jobs however do not start. Problem seems to occur most during playback in the editor or moving the cursor. There are no error messages and the program will start back up and usually remember where I left off. However any unstarted render jobs will have to be restarted. Even more bizarre is I have three computers configured identically a HP laptop, a Dell laptop and a Dell Optima desktop. The problem occurs most often on the Dell desktop, occasionally on the Dell laptop and almost never on the HP laptop. Updating Melt and Kdenlive do not solve the problem. The systems are up to date on all 3 computers.

Update I started Kdenlive from a terminal and this is what's going on in the background while a rendering job is going on. Could this have something to do with why kdenlive is crashing when there is a render in progress?

kdenlive(7867) KDirListerCache::directoriesForCanonicalPath: "/home/al/Desktop/North Coast Punk Fest 2016/video/3 Something More/complete" known as ("/home/al/Desktop/North Coast Punk Fest 2016/video/3 Something More/complete", "file:///home/al/kdenlive/Shortcut%20to%20Desktop/North%20Coast%20Punk%20Fest%202016/video/3%20Something%20More/complete")
kdenlive(7867) KSambaSharePrivate::_k_slotFileChange: path changed: "/home/al/Desktop/North Coast Punk Fest 2016/video/3 Something More/complete/Something More-tr1 Keep the Heat Low.mp4"
Registered Member
This problem is occurring on all 3 computers now. Looks like it is definitely a bug in Kdenlive or one of its dependencies.


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