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How do I specify an NTSC render format?

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I just upgraded my OS to Lubuntu 16.01, which also allowed me to upgrade to Kdenlive 16.08 from an older version (14.x). However, I am a quite disappointed with 16.08's reliability and useability.

I was really hoping to finally be able to jump ship from Sony Vegas to Kdenlive. Although Kdenlive was very stable under the old version I was using, a serious rendering bug in MELT/FFPEG always caused a memory overflow and meant that I could not use kdenlive for real work. So I waited until I could upgrade kdenlive, but sinc I was using an LTS version of my operating system which was locked into the old version of Kdenlive, it meant I had to wait until the most recent LTS of my OS was released. This month Lubuntu 16.01 was released and so I upgraded the OS and KdenLive.

Unfortunately, I find Kdenlive 16.08 very crashy. Also, I find that the revised rendering GUI seems to have taken a step backward in terms of useability. It is less easy to understand and configure for the non-deeply technical user (i.e. someone who is simply a videographer rather than a programmer).

I want to render a simple NTSC DVD VOB from a PAL project. In the rendering GUI I see the profile to render a DVD VOB, but no-longer is there any option to specify NTSC! The VOB rendering resolution seems to be based on whatever your current KdenLive project parameters are (in my case, PAL). Since my project parameters are PAL DV video, any rendered VOB is 740x576 (PAL resolution) and 25fps (PAL framerate). I cannot see any option to change rendering to NTSC.

It does seem that the user has the option to create his/her own rendering profiles. The rendering GUI has a note which says to visit the MLT page for more documentation, and it provides a link. However, the MLT parameters page linked to is very obtuse for a non-programmer to understand - it does not help me.

The old rendering "wizard" in Kdenlive 14.x took the user through the each step in choosing a rendering parameters - it asked you your output file format, NTSC/PAL format, and more. It was simpler and easier to manipulate.

I tried a work-around. I tried changing the video parameter of my project to NTSC DV 29.97fps. The project then either starts to convert but then kdenlive crashes spectacularly, or it appears to finish converting the project to NTSC, but then when I try saving the converted project it results in a crash (100 percent of the time).

So I'm very disappointed that the state of things seems to have gotten less reliable, rather than more reliable. I guess I have to stick with dual booting into Windows and using Vegas for longer. I really want to be a Kdenlive user.

However, I would appreciate any suggestions on how I can fix the issues described above.



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