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Kdenlive on Ubuntu 16.04 taking WAY too much memory

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I just used Kdenlive on Ubuntu 16.04 for the first time. I used it extensively on this same machine (AMD A8-6600K APU with Radeon HD Graphics and 8GB RAM) without trouble when running 14.04. The Kdenlive comes straight from the Ubuntu repo:
Version 15.12.3 Using: KDE Frameworks 5.18.0 Qt 5.5.1 (built against 5.5.1) The xcb windowing system.

The first time I tried to add clips (a dozen small JPGs and PNGs, five minutes of .FLAC audio, and a 30 second .MKV video), Kdenlive started chewing through my CPU and memory like nothing I'd ever seen. It actually crashed my machine and forced a hard reboot (something that hasn't happened in about six months).
Here are some of my system logs:
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Sep 13 13:12:04 workstation org.gnome.zeitgeist.SimpleIndexer[3897]: ** (zeitgeist-fts:4766): WARNING **: Unable to get info on application://nautilus-autostart.desktop
Sep 13 13:12:04 workstation gnome-session[4104]: Removing cache at "/home/username/.cache/kdenlive-thumbs.kcache"
Sep 13 13:12:04 workstation gnome-session[4104]:  // / processing file open
Sep 13 13:12:04 workstation gnome-session[4104]:  // / processing file open: validate
Sep 13 13:12:05 workstation gnome-session[4104]: Opening a document with version  0.91  /  0.91
Sep 13 13:12:05 workstation gnome-session[4104]:  // / processing file validate ok
Sep 13 13:12:05 workstation gnome-session[4104]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 646, resource id: 56623116, major code: 155 (Unknown), minor code: 11
Sep 13 13:13:25 workstation gnome-session[4104]: Removing cache at "/home/username/.cache/kdenlive-thumbs.kcache"
Sep 13 13:13:25 workstation gnome-session[4104]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 598, resource id: 56623116, major code: 155 (Unknown), minor code: 11
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_klauncher'
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: kdeinit5: Launched KLauncher, pid = 5751, result = 0
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: kdeinit5: opened connection to :0
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: kdeinit5: Got EXEC_NEW '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kf5/kio/' from launcher.
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kf5/kio/'
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
Sep 13 13:14:02 workstation gnome-session[4104]: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
Sep 13 13:14:03 workstation gnome-session[4104]: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
Sep 13 13:14:03 workstation gnome-session[4104]: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
Sep 13 13:14:08 workstation gnome-session[4104]:  / / / / /WARNING, VIDEO CONTEXT IS NULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The "video context is null" warning looks particularly ominous.
Does anyone know what's going on? Should I install an earlier version?
Registered Member
Sorry. It seems I didn't look far enough down the topic index. I now see that I'm not the only one facing this and that installing:
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...seems to have solved that problem.


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