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Feature Request: Playback Rate

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Feature Request: Playback Rate

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:19 am
My native language is not English. This is translated with Google Translate. Sorry if there are errors. :<


I want to ask you a feature that I have long desired in Kdenlive and I consider very important in video editing. I use this feature when using Sony Vegas.

The feature is called "Playback Rate" or "Playback Speed". Is the ability to view the contents of the Timeline at speeds that go from "0.01x" to "2.00x" (normal speed would be 1.00x), leaving the audio and video perfectly synchronized with the speed chosen.

If you want to better understand this feature can open Audacity, open a song and press play with the tool called "Playback Speed" with the speed they want. It does exactly what I want, but for obvious reasons, Audacity is done only with the audio.

Tool here:
More info here: ... olbar.html

The reason why I consider this important feature, is because it allows a very precise editing, allowing to edit an exact part of the scene, with a particular sound. Besides that when played in a less than "1.00x" speed, it allows to notice some errors in editing as a frame that should not be.

Here is a few examples of what can be achieved with this feature. The sound is synchronized with the scene.

I consider this the best example. It has some scenes a little violent for my taste. Sorry if it offends someone or if I should not show it here, but all examples, consider this the best to see what can be achieved.

Hope you like the idea and thanks for the great work they have done with Kdenlive.


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