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Fonts too big after Ubuntu 16.10 upgrade

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I'm not sure if this is a kdenlive issue, but it's the only app I'm seeing it with, so I'm hoping some expert might be able to help.

I've been running 16.08 for some time on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 - it's been working a treat (and I was finally able to retire 0.9.10 for good!). I just upgraded my system to Ubuntu Mate 16.10 and Kdenlive 16.08.2 and am now noticing a small but annoying issue - the menu fonts within Kdenlive are about 4 sizes too big. If this is the font size of all my other apps, this is the size of the Kdenlive fonts.

I can't find any settings with Kdenlive to change the font size, so I looked at the system's control panels. Since Kdenlive is a Qt-based app, I started with the "Qt4 Settings" control panel, but changing the font size there had no effect. But if I went to the "Appearance" control panel and adjusted the "Application font" from 11 point down to 7 point, it made the Kdenlive fonts look about like they did previously (around 11 points in size).

The problem is that the application font size changed to 7 on all of the other applications as well, including the menu and status bars!

Just for grins, I set up a brand new Ubuntu Mate 16.10 virtual machine and installed Kdenlive on it, and the fonts seem to be normal sized. But I can't figure out what to delete/reset/change to get my existing system working.

Anybody have any suggestions? Everything accepted...thanks!
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open terminal and type this:

rm .local/share/kxmlgui5/kdenlive/kdenliveui.rc

maybe it helps...

Registered Member
farid wrote:open terminal and type this:

rm .local/share/kxmlgui5/kdenlive/kdenliveui.rc

maybe it helps...

Farid - thanks for the suggestion - the file existed, I renamed it and started kdenlive but, alas, it didn't help.

By the way, I created a new user account and tried from there - same result. So it doesn't appear to be a per-user setting.

Update: I run a system using a monitor in a portrait orientation. Just for a test, I tried switching the monitor orientation back to "normal" and started Kdenlive - and it worked just fine with a normal sized font! So then I reset the monitor orientation back to "left" and tried again - and it still looked fine!

So I don't know how switching monitor orientation and back could have resolved the issue, but it seems to have done so.

Case closed. Thanks to all who read and/or replied.


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