maybe this is a stupid question but i dont know how to solve this.
I have an old picture which zoomed too 140%. I add the position and zoom effect and added a keyframe at the first frame and set the right position Then i added a second keyframe and set the zoom to 300% because i wanna zoom to a special zone. In the picture you can see three guys. But the guy i wanna zoom in is ot on the picture.
You can also see the red line. The second point of the red line is not available. My question no is: How can i scale the monitor to see the second point?
I know that i can change manually the coordinates in the effect. But maybe theres a way to bring the second point in.
I have the same problem (16.08.2). If you force monitor size to 50% in project monitor settings it hides the Pan&zoom guides. On older versions there was a way to freely resize it, but I can't figure out how it is done in latest versions.