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feature request: link audio to video in Project bin

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Hi there,

not sure if this is the right place for a feature request?

I have a workflow that for me is highly efficient due to the fantastic design of kdenlive:

-> import video into project bin

-> set in and out points with >i< and >o< in the clip and create zones with >ctrl-i< as much as i want

--> move the zones to position in timeline

-->render and thats it :)

there is no other NLE capable of that afaik....

but I have a problem: as soon as i have external recorded audio, I need to sync that to my video in the timeline. and there it gets messy and my workflow gets obsolete...... and actually it is often buggy dragging around regions of synced audio and video till i get the right edit..

my suggestion: if i could "implement" the synced audio to the video clip into the project bin (for example by having a "replace" option or "embedd" option when syncing audio to video in the timeline) I could keep my workflow with synced audio and kdenlive would be the fastest video editor on the planet :)

Thanks and cheers! :)


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