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Linux Mint Kdenlive Experience

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Linux Mint Kdenlive Experience

Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:40 am
Hi All,
I'm using kdenlive on Linux Mint. I suspect most, if not all, of the problems listed below are related to my not running kdenlive on a KDE platform. While perusing the problems listed below, I would appreciate any insight as to what software packages I can install to resolve some of them.

1. Not intuitive how to resize text boxes once made (Title Clip screen). Width and height are grayed out.
2. Title Clip window appears to be missing much functionality compared to prior versions (as viewed in video tutorials).
3. Title clips don’t save with proper extension so they can’t be viewed when trying to open them without manually adding the file extension in the titles directory.
4. Can't "Save As" overwrite the file name in the directory when desired.
5. Not obvious how to delete text box in Title Clip window.
6. The following didn’t set default picture length to 10 second: Settings → Configure → Image Clip; I manually did it for each and every picture in my slideshow.
7. Crashes repeatedly after splitting audio from video and trying to cut a snippet of audio to mute it.
8. There are times when the "dialogue text," for lack of a better term, displays white in a yellow background - and it is unreadable.
9. Is there a way to lock in the configuration? Whenever I change the layout in the program, it resets whenever the program is restarted (after a shut down)?

TIA.... and, yes, I'm brand new to video editing in general and kdenlive in particular.


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