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Merge two videos into one.

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Merge two videos into one.

Tue May 02, 2017 1:56 pm
Hello everyone. I really do not know what it's called this I want to do, I do not know if it can be done with Kdenlive.

What I would like to know is if it is possible to record two videos separately, where in one I am to the right of the plane, and in the other I am to the left, and then join them as if I were in a single video. I mean, the same background, same lighting, but I talking to myself, as if they were two people.

Is it possible to do this with Kdenlive?
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Re: Merge two videos into one.

Wed May 03, 2017 2:12 am
'Split Screen' in other words. There's a whole bunch of tutorials on YouTube demonstrating how to do it, ranging from the simple case to exotic picture-in-picture effects. Simple case example:
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Re: Merge two videos into one.

Wed May 03, 2017 2:24 am
Inapickle wrote:'Split Screen' in other words. There's a whole bunch of tutorials on YouTube demonstrating how to do it, ranging from the simple case to exotic picture-in-picture effects. Simple case example:

I do not mean that. In that case you tell me, you see that they are two screens, one next to the other.

I will try to explain myself better. We have a fixed camera, in this case a webcam. It does not move. In front of the webcam there are two chairs, one on the right and one on the left.

First I record myself in the right chair. Then in the left chair. The result is, unite both images as if it were in both chairs at the same time.

Although now that I think about it, if I have the same background, I guess with Split you can achieve something like that, because when you move the videos, in the end, when using the same background, you will not see the difference.

I am going to try. Thanks for answering. ;)
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Re: Merge two videos into one.

Wed May 03, 2017 2:55 am
elav wrote:.
Although now that I think about it, if I have the same background, I guess with Split you can achieve something like that, because when you move the videos, in the end, when using the same background, you will not see the difference.

Exactly. Don't see why it wouldn't work if your webcam is perfectly static. Same basic technique as shown here using Premiere Pro:

Like the guy there says, you just need to be careful with your shadows.

Alternatively you could use the KdenLive rotoscope effect to create a garbage matte. Again, no lack of videos on YouTube on creating the 'clone' effect:

I haven't tried any of this myself mind you, so these are just suggestions. ;)


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