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Folder Navigation Problem in Kdenlive on Windows 7

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I'm having a problem with folder content display and navigation in Kdenlive installed on Window 7 Pro 64. When I go to the Project bin -->Add Clip I get a window that opens as a file/folder/drive display, called Places. In the Places window I can see all the folders and files on the hard drive/logical drives except for the D drive, which is where I have Kdenlive installed. D is a logical drive, as are E and F. On C, E, and F I can see the drive contents for each drive and I can navigate from any level on the drive up through the parent folders. However, on the D drive all I can see is the contents of the kdenlive-windows folder and the "parent folder" option is grayed out. There's no way to get out of D:\\kdenlive-windows and go to a higher level on the D drive.

Does anyone have a solution for this? Should I report this as a bug?

Thanks for any ideas and info....


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